Alquilea Kids Dreams

Ipad mission
This was a real campaign for Pordata (a Portuguese website concerning demographic data). We won the pitch, although many changes had to be made to the final product. The campaign was aimed at Portuguese highschool students, who were expected to prepare a paper or give a presentation based on the information provided on the website. Client: Pordata

Ipad mission

This was a real campaign for Pordata (a Portuguese website concerning demographic data). We won the pitch, although many changes had to be made to the final product. The campaign was aimed at Portuguese highschool students, who were expected to prepare a paper or give a presentation based on the information provided on the website. Client: Pordata
The book of experts
A book with information about the professors at Universidad Europea.
Client: Universidad Europea

Your river Ebro
This design was for a children’s drawing competition. The topic was rivers and nature.
Client: En Estat Pur
The different sides to sex
The magazine design was created for an academic project. My teammate and I decided to focus on sex in advertising, which we separated into three categories: seduction, sexual interactions, and AIDS.

The book of experts
A book with information about the professors at Universidad Europea.
Client: Universidad Europea

The different sides to sex
The magazine design was created for an academic project. My teammate and I decided to focus on sex in advertising, which we separated into three categories: seduction, sexual interactions, and AIDS.